overnight in uni
just sharing what had happened when we stayed overnight to work on our assignment. is really entertaining and tiring. tiring cos we stayed all the way to work on the video 2 assignment. helped a bit of the filming for hassan and then also done my log and capture for my video. as we worked, we were like talking, joking and we really had a very good luff throughout. maybe is because we were mostly singaporeans and we had the common point to laugh at. the video was being taken by hassan cos we really think is entertaining as thanar was like protecting his netcheck but he was being like pulled away. for us is just a show to see the "golden couple" fighting. we gave them the name of "golden couple" cos they were being shot on screen and then they were like couples fighting over something plus the picture also had them like look at each other and also holding hands. it was really entertaining...
tho we spent a lot of time joking and playing around, we still managed to get most of our work done. was really glad we stayed overnight to do our assignment even tho is the first few days of the term break. later still have to go out, dun think will be sleeping...
haha.. student days... enjoy it~
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