Friday, February 16, 2007

van on fire

went to orchard to get my jeans and also cut my hair. on my way to far east plaza, i saw from far there was smoke rising... the first thot was "fire". then priscilla was beside me and she was like "hey go see fire, i want to see!" i was like "有没有搞错!" so we continued to walk on. when nearing far east, already got a lot of people were also looking at the incident. not sure what actually happened cos when we reached, we only can see a van was on fire and the whole van was burning. a lot of people just gathered, mostly on the overhead bridge to see the van burning.

so i called kaili cos she is reporter and told her this incident. she was not on duty but she still asked me to go take pictures of the incident. so i just anyhow take lor. by the way when i take the incident was almost over liao so nothing much to take also. then at night, kaili's friend still called me to ask me for info on that incident.


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